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10 Best Countries To Live In 2020

To start how about we go over the best countries to live in the world. which I determine based on a variety of metrics, including each nation's economy, safety, education, healthcare, infrastructure, culture, corruption civil, liberties, natural environment, and quality of life with the overall. the happiness of a country's residents being in that quality of life subgroup, and also the most important factor I mean if everyone in a country is living a long and happy life.

 these are the top 10 best countries to live in for 2020.

note that I have provided a video at the end of this article so that by watching it you can automatically watch what you are going to read.

Number 10: Finland  

                      You're likely reasoning what the he*** when did Finland get a goliath cosmopolitan city loaded with cutting edge high rises, where are the charming brilliant Scandinavian houses, well you'll see them

in a tad but since it was so difficult, to limit the entirety of the astonishing nations on the planet down to only 10.

 I actually couldn't so we're, going to start off with a quick honorable mention Singapore despite being a tiny island city-state that only gained independence in  1965. 

Singapore has figured out how to impeccably actualize the best of both eastern and western culture to get one of the most exceptional socially assorted, and present-day countries on the planet

what's more, the economy is blasting endless new businesses and enormous name organizations are situated here.

Due to its business-friendly policies extremely low taxes incredible infrastructure and open trade and Singapore was also ranked as both the second safest city, and country on earth between the high wages lavish comforts perfect tidiness, and great personal satisfaction it's as though this spot was planned in a lab truly. it's too perfect so why didn't it make the actual top 10.

Well because of the authoritarian government the amount of censorship present here is honestly a huge infringement on a person's individual liberties, but at least most of the residents don't appear to mind since the administration itself, is for all intents and purposes uncorrupt yet of course on the off chance that they do mind dislike they'd even be permitted to state anything.

I mean if the fine for dropping a candy wrapper on the sidewalk is 300 you can imagine the consequence for government criticism probably isn't worth, it especially since it's already expensive enough to live here .with a cost of living that's higher than 95 percent of other countries.

 So let's get back to actual number 10 Finland, just look at those clear skies and take in some deep breaths while you're at it because whether it's from 72 percent of Finland, being covered in forest or from the country's incredible eco-friendliness, Finland has the cleanest air in the world and some of the most beautiful nature too, with 188 000 lakes 180 000 islands, and dazzling slopes and mountains in the exceptional northern Lapland district.


Which additionally just so happens to be probably the best spot to see Aurora Borealis, be that as it may, Finland gets pretty darn cold, and keeping in mind that the 12 PM sun of the late spring makes for incredible undertakings, it additionally implies that pieces of the nation experienced under two hours of light a day throughout the winter, however hello at any rate  there are more than 2 million saunas to keep you warm beside the supernatural condition through.


Finland likewise has the most joyful residents on earth, and it isn't difficult to perceive any reason why the administration really has its kin's eventual benefits at the top of the priority list, and does all that it can to guarantee the highest caliber of life conceivable, beginning with the best instruction framework on the planet, where state-administered testing doesn't exist and schools permit understudies to learn in whichever.

Is best suited for them and once they've graduated Finland offers free university, and trade school in addition to having top-notch universal healthcare coverage, furthermore, is the third-best nation for


sexual orientation correspondence with 328 days of paid family leave, yet these things don't come without a cost, in light of the fact that charges are high wages actually aren't the best, and the joblessness rate lies at a staggering ten percent.


 Number 9: New Zealand


How about we bring things down toward the southern side of the equator where the 4.8 million human inhabitants, and the 26.7 million sheep occupants of New Zealand.


appreciate unimaginably excellent instruction medical services monetary chances and the sky is the limit from there.

Well maybe not the sheep but they must be happy too because there are definitely enough of them, to overthrow the government if they weren't but why would they, I mean New Zealand's tied for being the least the corrupt country in the world, between the indigenous Maori peoples, and a quarter of the population.

That identifies as immigrants the highly diverse residents coexist peacefully, here making it tied for the second safest country, not to mention one of the happiest. I'm guessing the perfect weather enchanting mountaintops crystal clear beaches and world-class vineyards have something to do with that, as well seriously this country is so beautiful, that you might say it looks like something out of the lord of the rings.

Oh waits but New Zealand isn't just a great place for hobbits to have adventures. it's also the adventure capital of the world for humans. offering pretty much every type of outdoor recreation imaginable, and since there's also an excellent work-life balance new Zealanders can truly make the most out of their adventures.


Number 8: Germany 

                     With nearly 84 million residents Germany is the largest nation by population in the EU.making it the first big country on our list, but despite having so many people, Germany manages things incredibly well not only is it cheap compared to its European neighbors.

But it also has the fourth-best economy in the world with an annual GDP of 4 trillion us dollars an unemployment rate of just 3.9 percent. and an incredibly diverse workforce how is all this possible you might wonder well perhaps it has something to do with the excellent education system and free public universities, or maybe the outstanding public transit systems that seamlessly transport people around.

The cities and between them speaking of which from Dusseldorf to Hamburg to Berlin Munich, Stuttgart, and Frankfurt, Germany has so many amazing cities to live in each with their own unique art history, culture, and beer gardens featuring world-class, beer.

In fact the beer here is so good that you probably won't even get a hangover the next day, the only downside is of course the 42 personal income tax rate that applies to most residents, and makes Germany one of the most heavily taxed countries on earth.

But at least you get what you pay for when you consider the remarkable infrastructure safety, schools, and healthcare benefits.

Number 7: Sweden 


                 Do you hate stress if so Sweden's six-hour workdays are definitely worth looking into. but despite or perhaps because Sweden's populace isn't overworked the economy here is thriving.

 Sweden actually the second-best country for business, and the great work-life balance leads to extremely happy residents, who in turn are much more productive with the time. they do spend working creating an impressively high GDP per capita over 57 000 us dollars add in a relatively low cost of living compared to the rest of northern Europe, and money isn't really an issue here so the residents of Sweden have plenty of time to enjoy hanging out with friends and family in one of the cleanest nations on earth.

And by clean I don't just mean the amazing air quality spotless streets and pure water from every tap. because the government here is pretty clean as well Sweden's actually the fourth-least corrupt country, the government does, however, take anywhere from 32 to 60 of your paycheck in the form of taxes.

But at least it goes to good use as it also ensures wonderful public transportation free universal coverage in one of The top three best healthcare systems in the world. and five weeks, of paid vacation time and with an emphasis on social equality as well as 480 days of paid family leave.

That can be split between a couple on top of the mandatory 18 weeks maternity leave, whenever a new child is welcomed into the family Sweden is the best country for women the only bad thing is that the education system is unsupportive, and just not good compared to the surrounding countries teachers will often have low salaries which leads to lower quality teaching although the universities are actually really good and free for EU citizens.

 Number 6: Denmark

                       Just a quick 15-minute drive across the incredibly beautiful and expensive Oresund the bridge brings us to our next country Denmark where you'll find the highest quality of life on the planet.

this could be accredited to the best healthcare system in the world or the fact that it's tied with New Zealand, is the least corrupt country, or maybe that it's also considered. the second happiest nation, or that it's one of the top five safest countries.

or maybe the amazing air quality or that the capital of Copenhagen is often regarded as the most livable city on earth. I could go on but I think you get the picture and if you don't well picture this your turn to work from your two-week long vacation and everyone just looks at you weird because, oh right, you have three more weeks of paid vacation time.

of course, only a non-danish person would make that mistake because Danes prioritize life overwork and spend over two-thirds of even their non-vacation days, eating sleeping, and indulging in leisure activities.

but don't mistake their flexible job schedules and 33-hour workweeks for laziness, because Danes rank very high in productivity education skills earnings personal security. and civic engagement, sure the effect of the personal income tax rate is 52 percent.

but the residents don't really mind as they see the high taxes as an investment into their quality of life, because they know the money is gonna go to good use, plus who needs money when you can explore these gorgeous mountains for free wait.Denmark's flat.

 Number 5:  Canada 

                      while Denmark doesn't have any mountains Canada sure does in fact the great white north is one of the most beautiful countries on earth, with so much untouched wilderness and pretty much every the landscape.

you could imagine but let's get down to business because Canada is the sixth best country for business a GDP of 1.74 trillion us dollars. is a really high number for any country but it's especially high for a country of only 37 million people.

and although the unemployment rate has unfortunately shot up to 14 due to recent events the citizens will be well cared for. because Canada has an excellent social safety net featuring full employment insurance a national pension plan universal health care, and provincial welfare systems add in one of the best public schooling systems low crime.

great air quality and incredibly friendly residents, and it's not hard to see why the quality of life here is so high, and the people are so happy.

Number 4: Japan 


                 If you want to live a long and happy life Japan is the place to do it. the life expectancy here is 88 years, for females in 85 years overall making it the longest on earth. and who wouldn't want to spend as long as they possibly could, surround by cherry blossom trees lush forests, and beautiful farms littered along with the fertile volcanic landscapes, and while you'd probably expect a cluster of islands roughly the size of California with three times the population to be cluttered and dirty.

Japan is anything but the cities are clean safe and modern and operate efficiently with excellent public transportation, insanely quick internet speeds and an amazing blend of ancient history. and modern architecture speaking of despite it being the largest city in the world the capital Tokyo.

is also the safest city in the world that's because everything Japan does it does well, which is the value, it also instills in its citizens who are always encouraged to aim upwards in their careers, and constantly innovate, however, while this may increase the likelihood of being successful, it also creates massive stress and mental health issue.

so sure the Japanese are very rich and have the second-best education system but they also live in the fourth most expensive country. and are too busy with work to focus on the simpler things in life like settling down and starting a family.

which has created a disproportionate elderly population although a positive to this is that health care is amazing.

 Number 3: Switzerland 

                     Honestly, every inch of this country is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. but Switzerland isn't number three just for the beautiful alps dazzling glaciers azure lakes, and stunning valleys it's not even number three for the incredible diversity in each of the canton's rich culture.

and history  amazing healthcare and public transit systems or awesome castles, Switzerland is also the third happiest country in the world. with the second highest quality of life third least amount of corruption and an extremely high life expectancy of 84 years not to mention this is the absolute the safest nation on earth.

which makes a lot of sense given its non-violent culture and neutral stance during the war the people here are highly involved and vote on virtually every issue in direct democracy style.

 which they can be trusted to do since their education system is excellent with the universities being ranked, as the second-best in the world, this in addition to the low taxes helps Switzerland maintain its strong economy highly skilled workforce and an extremely low unemployment rate of just 3.4 percent.

 but while Switzerland's the third most productive country and has an insanely high annual income of nearly 85 000 us dollars a year per resident, it's also The most expensive nation to live in that's pretty much the only reason it isn't.

Number  2: Australia 

                      ah the land down under aka the topsy-turvy a world where kangaroos can kick your face, in and spiders reign from the sky is it a country, is it a continent maybe a country net I'm not entirely sure, but what I am sure of is that crocodile sharks and box jellyfish aside.

Australia still manages to be one of the safest countries on earth, and not only is it safe it's incredibly rich too with an annual GDP per capita of 57 000 us dollars the highest after-tax minimum wage of nine dollars, and 54 cents and an average income of 64 000 us dollars a year,

and with the most efficient health care system high life expectancy of 84 years. excellent schools with some of the best universities in the world super fun and laid-back lifestyle and a government that genuinely cares about its citizens.

it's no wonder why so many people are moving here with the population increasing by around 1.3 percent each year. despite all these new residents, however, Australia still has an extremely low population density of just  3.2 people per square kilometer, so you get this big beautiful geographically diverse nation teaming.

with rainforests deserts mountains coral reefs and some of the most beautiful beaches, on this planet all to yourself well unless you just stay in the cities. but even then Melbourne and Sydney are actually both among the top five best cities to live in the world now.

Number 1: Norway

                     Norway is just doing something right man actually it's doing pretty much everything right nestled amongst the mountainous fjords beneath some of the crispiest cleanest and most unpolluted skies.

Norway is simply breathtaking well technically more like breath giving and the Norwegians certainly have plenty of time to enjoy their surroundings since they only work 27 hours a week.

but despite the fact that Norwegians work less they're also the second most productive country in the world, with an incredibly high average annual income of 81 000 us dollars and they certainly do get a lot done not only if they maintain the highest standard of living for 13 consecutive years. but they're also the third safest and happiest country on the planet.

and although the government does gain much of its wealth by exporting petroleum and gas Norway itself is extremely clean and eco-friendly with the highest number of electric cars per capita in the world not to mention the purest drinking water and one of the best healthcare systems on earth there just isn't much Norway doesn't do well and that's why it's the best country to live in for 2020.


